Wednesday 24 March 2021

Scam Man

As part of the job, we’re always looking out for those that are trying to scam us. Often we’re the first and last point of defence when it comes to making sure that the customer’s currency or exchange is genuine. I’m not on a till very often and I don’t like letting people down. It’s also not coming out of my pocket. I suppose if it was repetitive and it was deemed that I was purposeful or acting through carelessness then I’d be out of a job. But of course, it’s not always the customer’s fault. Sometimes they’ll be given items which they genuinely believe to be correct but have entered our supply chain. And often the scammers know the checks that we do too. Sometimes all it takes is a label that can be peeled off one item and stuck onto another. Nevertheless, we must protect our revenue. And it’s a shame. But that’s business for you.


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