Monday 22 March 2021

The Forbidden Library

After touring the crypt where all the interesting artefacts were displayed, we headed to the library on the upper levels. The tomes enclosed within this rickety old room were hundreds of years old, and some were even attached to chains as the church had deemed them unfit for human eyes. We had a lovely chat with the on-site librarian then popped downstairs to observe a lunar clock with the sun and moon and displayed figures as it tolled. That must be very distracting during services. Then we decided to check out the Bishop’s Palace itself. The main attraction here for us was the background scene for Hot Fuzz’s Secret Neighbourhood Watch Alliance, but there were plenty of interesting features to entertain us. As well as more swans, the outside of the house had a beautiful garden including a second inner half-moat and a waterfall. Inside the house was nothing particularly spectacular but we enjoyed posing with the various portraits and suits of armour on display. Then after some interesting stair wells, it was back to the movie tour.

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