Tuesday 1 September 2020

Heavy Duty

Our daily delivery usually arrives in great thick plastic black boxes. When there’s something inside it, you need both hands to lift it as they span over double your chest, and they weigh a tonne too. They’ve got grooves in them which are designed for stacking which is great when you’ve got a sack truck handy and they’re not loaded over the rim. But lifting one of those boxes on its own when there’s stuff inside is a real effort; and you wouldn’t want to carry it too far. If you dropped it from a height, the edge really would shatter and we’ve gone through a few of them that have become dangerous because of the way that they’ve broken. We used to have boxes which were half the size with fold-out handles on the top, and you could also use the handles as a base for stacking another one on top. But someone decided that there were too small and decided to retire them, and now we’re stuck with them.

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