Saturday 5 September 2020

Return to the Gym

My regular gym is back open. I’ve been meaning to go for a while but my head’s been full of wax which meant that I wouldn’t be able to hear any of the instructors properly. This meant that I missed taking part in their opening week for free. Fortunately, the following month was half-price but I was still blocked up; but then my luck held out and the following month was half-price as well. After giving on the on-line booking system; I made a telephone call to discover that I couldn’t book more than seven days in advance. But once I finally got a slot; getting in was a cinch. I checked in with the staff member on the door and never even had to swipe my card as the gates were already open. Then I headed upstairs and grabbed my very own spray and cloth to clean the machines with. Getting out was a bit of a problem as I could only see no exit signs anywhere. I tried to watch the videos on my phone but in the end I ended up going out the same way that I came in. Maybe they think I’m special. But after watching the videos when I returned home; I’m beginning to think that they’re special.

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