Saturday 19 September 2020

The Blue Gate

The numbers are trying to escape! They’ve flew down the wires and onto the screen. The only thing from holding them back are the blue lines that form a gate to stop them from progressing any further. To us, it’s like the silhouette of a giant oyster, and the numbers within them floating up to the top of the screen represent pearls or at least the mullah that we get from selling them. To them, it’s like staring through the pearly gates of heaven in digital form; desiring to be on the shelf and part of the real world. If another one came along and stood on top of the others; it might have a chance of jumping over the gate. But it’s only the troubled ones that we’ve summoned to our screen anyway. The rest are not a problem; mainly because they’ve behaved themselves and have been dealt with; pushed further into the reaches of the screen.

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