Sunday 20 September 2020

King of the Gingers

He’s tall, skinny and smart with short hair; always impeccably groomed with a pristine ironed shirt, crisp tie and shiny shoes. It’s as if he takes pride in being ginger; there’s nothing that he can do about it and he’s prepared not to give anyone any more ammunition. A perfect schoolboy; he’s no leader of the pack but the perfect sidekick willing to enforce any manifesto. He’s confident in everything that he says and does and speaks without hesitation. He’s always ready to hang out with the pack and he’s willing to make a few practical jokes without offending anyone too much. But an individual conversation will reveal that he’s capable of his own thoughts too and he knows what he’s doing. But it’s hard to take an interest in someone’s past when he agrees with everyone; and when he’s not around it’s hard to imagine that he ever was.

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