Thursday 24 September 2020

What does sound look like?

 Sound is vibration. You may not be able to see the cause of it, but it can help you work out that something is moving. Any machine creates rumbling that you might be able to feel; even in you can’t hear it. Even something moving through the air makes a whooshing sound; though you might not be close enough to hear it. It’s as if your ears have a sense of radar to guide you. You might even see wavy lines as if something’s moving through the air. But when you lose you sense of sound; you must rely on your eyes to guide you. It’s amazing what you miss out on; whether it’s the everyday hustle and bustle of what’s happening outside your door or overhearing others going about their daily business. It’s also difficult to understand people, and it’s only by looking at their body language can you attempt to guess what they want.

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