Wednesday 2 September 2020

Cultural Cow #dreamdiary 94

I’ve decided to take my mother to see a show in sunny Stratford-upon-Avon. We’ve ended up at this village hall with a bar. I order a glass of red wine for Mum and the barmaid reels out a list of suggestions for myself. I choose a pale ale. While I wait for my drink, I decide to explore the surroundings. It’s not a large hall and there’s only a small stage. It’s surrounded by tables and chairs rather than rows of seats. There’s not many people about and I suddenly wonder if we’re too early or whether the performance is taking place outside. We decide to venture out to investigate the latter. There’s a large freshly mown field and we round the corner to see what’s behind a clump of trees. There’s just more space that leads to a kissing gate, but as we return there’s a cow with horns approaching us. I manage to distract it around the side of the building while Mum makes her escape through the gate. I’m rescued by two cowboys in chequered shirts complete with hats and lassos dressed for the rodeo.

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