Friday 4 September 2020

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."

 -Bill Gates. I’ve been working with a variety of different leaders for a long time. I’ve now got to the point where they won’t teach me anything new; or at least they don’t want to. I’ve seen them struggle with many situations where I thought they could have been handled better with a little bit more thought and care. And I’ve seen situations where at the end of the day they just want to do their job to ensure salary while protecting the security of the business that they manage. I seem to learn more about new things when others complain about them; while at the same time I see these leaders unable to influence a change to create a better outcome for everyone. My leaders have become my peers and the only empowerment that I feel is that I get to hide behind them when things go wrong. But there’s no ability for me to grow so I must look elsewhere.

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