Tuesday 15 September 2020

Weighing it all Up

Some of our items come in more than one box. We often have to tell the customer this before they disappear in case they think that’s everything and they don’t come back for the rest. Occasionally we must tell our own staff this too. We’ve had instances where we’ve struggled to find the second part of something only to conclude that the delivery team member wasn’t aware that a second part was required. And then there’s the fun of trying to get hold of a second part. If a customer has already purchased it then time is of the essence. Sometimes they’re happy to head off and start building with the part that they’ve got if they can. But if no-one’s waiting, we must fill in a form to let the distribution centre know. Sometimes they’ll give a direct response saying that they’ve that dispatched the item. Sometimes they say that they’ve despatched the item but we never see it. At this point we give up and send back the parts that we have. And occasionally; but very rarely; they admit that they’re out of stock and that we should send back the parts anyway.


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