Wednesday 9 September 2020

Riding Shotgun

I always thought that the safest seat in the car was the front passenger seat. You get to choose your leg room; you’ve got the best view and you’re one of the first to see what’s coming up. Although in a crash situation, that can be quite scary. You won’t know how your driver will react and your reaction might counteract his. If it’s a serious crash; you’ve also got a fair share of glass in front of you. It certainly makes me think where I’ll sit next time I get into a cab. It also explains the term riding shotgun; though there’s very few drivers that give you complimentary arms anymore. It’s also probably why we’re encouraged to place infants in the rear seat so that they won’t get scared at all. Hopefully they’ll just get bored by the dull fabric. But then they cause a distraction in themselves as you’re constantly ensuring that they’re OK. 

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