Sunday 13 September 2020

Needle in a Haystack

These poor dolphins must already be in pain as they’ve had half their bodies ripped out so that they can be stuffed with shiny stones. Now they’ve had a metal bar pinned to them so they can be shoved like a stake into someone’s ear; all in the name of beauty. The dolphins put on a solemn face, and it’s probably because of their pain that they’re not smiling. Maybe they’re asleep. Oddly, there’s no picture of anyone modelling them to show how they fit. Instead, there’s a video with a verbal description telling the viewer how they fit while spinning around a piece of foam shaped like a sea-lion. Perhaps it’s to disguise the small size which would otherwise discourage people from buying them. Or maybe it’s the idea of having a piece of metal clipped around your ear. Nevertheless, they could be handy if you need to disguise a blade.

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