Sunday 6 September 2020


I didn’t mean to do it. I had the best intention to complete an entirely different action. This is just what transpired instead. All I wanted was a little light to help me start my day. So I reached out for a little assistance. But my finger just couldn’t find the switch to the bedside light. I poked around and reached a little further and the next thing I heard was a crash. Now I had to get out of bed to turn on the main light to see what I had done. But before I could ponder getting up, this was done for me.
‘What are you doing making all this noise? I thought there’d been a break-in!’
‘I didn’t mean to; I just knocked the light off the bedside table.’
‘Just look at this mess. We’re going to have to get a new lamp now all because of your clumsiness.’

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