Thursday 7 March 2019

When Hell Freezes Over

In most cultures, Hell is associated with heat where everything’s roasted to a crisp, but at least there’s warmth to take advantage of. And it’s always easy to create shade in such an environment which you can adapt to. The real hell comes during the big freeze in winter. It’s hard to find somewhere warm outside. There’s little light in the daytime for warmth and it’s hard to get access to any sort of liquid. Plants struggle to grow as quickly as possible towards that dim light in the sky to break free and gather as much energy as possible. And you’re isolated outside too. Everyone else is sheltering inside. In the desert you might dehydrate but there’s a chance that you can live off your own sweat for a while. You can even dig your own shelter. In the artic it’s too cold to dig, and any shelter that you do create will just make you even colder.

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