Thursday 28 March 2019

Mother's Folly #Titannabell 2

From her birth, Princess Olivia had been promised to another. She was born a few months before the heir to the throne and both families saw this as a great opportunity to come together and secure the stability of the country as well as their hold on the throne. They spent as much time together as possible so that the two children could grow up together during their childhood. As both children became ready to be schooled; it was suggested that Olivia was boarded inside the castle so that this placement could continue. But while Julian proved to be very industrious in his studies; Olivia established her social skills by sharing her ideas with others. She felt it natural to talk to other people.  Julian was convinced that the answer must be in a book and that he must discover the idea himself to keep his position as top of the class and remain the future king. There were many nights when Olivia sneaked out in candlelight to join dormitory parties while Julian lay in bed reading.

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