Tuesday 26 March 2019

What do you think about adults who order a kid's meal?

It’s up to them. If they’re willing to pay for it and sit and eat it without complaint and without overcomplicating the order by demanding free extras; then it’s their choice. They are the customer and that is what they desire, and there shouldn’t be any problem serving them. Naturally, there’s an age recommendation with these kind of meals to give people a guide, and if a child of twelve was in the party, they may consider an adult meal for them instead. Some people have naturally small appetites and it would be quite strange to refuse this service to them. It would be like refusing entry to an old man at the cinema. And child’s meals aren’t always half of everything; in some respects it gives you more mess to clean up afterwards if they misbehave themselves. If an adult wants a tiny burger, so be it. It’s if they start to complain afterwards is when the problems arise; though most people will just vote with their feet and know better for next time.

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