Thursday 14 March 2019

UK Mail is UK Fail

Far be it from me to question someone’s mode of operation, but when someone’s work environment happens to be a public area that is shared at others; I take great offence when a window is rolled down and a plastic bottle is dropped out into the gutter. I appreciate that it’s a blustery day and that there’s plenty of rubbish around; but that’s still not an excuse to add to the deterioration. Do the drivers not have bins at their depots? Perhaps it’s in Birmingham where the binmen aren’t operating; but again that’s not a reason for the driver to so rashly discard his container. There are bins available. Or do we need an app for that now? I wonder if the driver would appreciate us causing vandalism to his van in exchange for his vandalism to our environment? Surely the company would have something to say about that? After all, there are better human beings who are in need of work…

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