Sunday 24 March 2019

The Clerks Exhibit #dreamdiary 74

I haven’t yet seen Mr. Smith’s movie but this exhibition in an American shopping mall somewhat intrigued me to enter. There was a man behind a desk covered in a black tablecloth taking admissions, and once we’d paid we were told to walk through the gold curtain and take a seat to wait for our guide. Our guide wore a grey tracksuit hoodie and never spoke a word. He simply beckoned us with his hands for us to move through to the next room. This featured an annex set in an area of golden bricks. Within the annex was an old, tattered, sack blanket with spats of blood covering a humanoid shape, and a pair of trainers was protruding from the end. Surrounding this were packets of discarded crisps and beer cans. It looked as if we’d been shown to the back of a convenience store. I was half expecting something to jump out from underneath the blanket to interrupt the silence from this eerie scene. Then we were shown through another gold curtain into the first floor of an empty tower with a view of bronze pillars in front of us. Puzzled, we turned to look at our guide for an explanation but he’d vanished. There was the sound of a click as we realised the second door had closed and locked. We’d been had. We’d paid ten dollars to walk through a service corridor of the mall to another section that wasn’t currently in use. When we’d returned to our entry point, the guide had fled.

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