Monday 25 March 2019

Slipping Around

Slippers. They’re useful things in the winter. They’re mini-blankets for your feet. But one size too big or too small for you and they’re lethal; especially if you have to wear them up and down the stairs. I bought a beautiful pair for my lovely old mum which looked very comfortable but they were just one size too big. But when I compared them to her current ones, they were massive. I didn’t want to be responsible for her death or a major injury because she slipped down the stairs in her new slippers. So back to the shop I went. Luckily, the right size was still in stock so it was just a simple case of switching them over. But I still had to go up to the clothing department all on my own without any assistance or escort to find them. And of course I got the attention of the security guard as I walked up to and past the entrance to the customer service desk to reclaim my receipt.

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