Wednesday 6 March 2019

Next to Nothing

I needed to get some new jeans. Both of my current pairs had developed a hole after some substantial service, and I also realised that I didn’t own a smart pair of trousers that wasn’t denim either. I decided to head into the city for some well overdue shopping to compare some styles. At one store I found a pair that I liked but they weren’t in my size. Then, while in the pub, I had a brainwave. I could order the jeans on-line into my local store; and if they were in stock there might be a chance that I could collect them on my way home. I logged onto the pub’s wi-fi and found out that if I opened an on-line account, I could get £10 refunded. When I arrived at my local store, I saw some trousers that I liked and went to try them on. It was only then I realised that I’d ordered the wrong size. In the end I had to re-order everything, which meant that my original order was re-credited but I had to pay up-front for the new sizes; thus losing my £10 bonus. Almost got them for next to nothing, but so close.

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