Friday 15 March 2019

St. David's Ale at the Rising Sun, Redditch

I’m a bit concerned at the lack of patriotism shown during our Saints Day. Other nations make a national holiday of their celebrations and welcome people from all backgrounds to join in and celebrate regardless of nationality. So why don’t we do it? It’s a perfect excuse for a celebration and to encourage people to get out and visit events. There should be more historical re-enactments and festivals on this day. But instead we’re at work without even being allowed to wear the cross. Is it because we’re afraid of offending the Welsh by slaying a dragon; even though St. George was in France at the time? Or is it an example of the British stiff upper lip that gets in the way by not letting us have more fun? Is it the timing? Is it too close to Easter and the government are afraid of giving us an extra holiday in a row? It’s such a shame that there’s no pride in our history.

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