Monday 18 March 2019


The humble password. The guardian to confirm our true identity. But what the hell is it? Did I use my personal details or one of the regular ones that you’ve made me change in the past month because of a security flaw in your software? What special characters and combination of numbers won’t you accept? Some simpler websites aren’t that fussed about account security and don’t allow the use of special characters so they force you to have different ones. I used to have one long complicated password in a software safe that would keep the rest; but I uninstalled that as the software was too expensive to renew. Nowadays I keep a word file with them all saved to disk as there’s that many logins. I should really get around to creating a password for the file; though it’s never uploaded and there’s tons of other files that hackers would have to search through first. Still, ain’t happened yet…

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