Friday 29 March 2019

Out of the Washer, into the Dryer

We’ve had an old tumble dryer in the garage for ages. We weren’t sure whether it worked or not and we were worried that it might overheat and set fire to the house. So we never use it. We either hang our clothes up outside to dry or on radiators and airers. So rather than spend money on getting an electrician to see whether it worked and run the risk of selling it on, we just decided to get rid of it to create some space. The trouble was that it takes two people to lift it which Mum would find hard. In the end I managed to convince a friend who was staying over to give me a helping hand to lift it into the boot. Then it was a case of finding somewhere to take it to. We tried the local charity ship with the nearest available parking. We had a browse while waiting for the man to get off the phone and I was amazed at the stuff that they did sell .I thought that they would have a volunteer electrician who would test it and decide whether to sell it or strip the metal for cash, but it turns out that they don’t take white goods anymore because of the Grenfell Tower disaster. So off to the tip we went.

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