Saturday 30 March 2019

Watford Gap Filled?

I’ve had something trapped inside my mouth for some time. I think it’s a piece of food lodged between my teeth; possibly some kebab meat. No amount of brushing seems to be able to bring it out. I’ve tried an electric toothbrush on full charge as well as a manual scrub (which is usually when my electric toothbrush runs out of charge and I just use it without power, though I’ve also used the traditional larger brush as well). I’ve tried flossing which I never see the point of. When I floss, I just seem to fray the string as I rub it in between the gaps. If I push it down too far, I always get bleeding gums and I’m always afraid that the floss will get trapped afterwards (and it has happened). There are just three options left; I can carry on as I am and wait until my next visit to the dentist which could be very embarrassing or even traumatic. I could schedule an earlier appointment with the dentist. Or I could get hold of a toothpick or cocktail stick and try to fish it out that way. I’m off to a buffet lunch tomorrow. Wonder if they have any there?

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