Thursday 7 June 2018

Time for tea towels to go tee-total

The BBC have announced that tea towels can cause food poisoning. The shock findings came from a study of 100 towels that have been used for a month by the University of Mauritius. I wonder if they asked their students to volunteer their towels? Hopefully, common sense prevails and that most people have common sense to change them at least when they look grubby or once a fortnight. The BBC then goes on to advise us to wash washing-up brushes in the dishwasher. If I’m lucky enough to own a dishwasher; I’m probably not going to need a washing-up brush. They also advised that disposable cloths and paper towels will stop the spread of germs. True, but it will also generate a lot more waste which can’t be recycled. And a lot of wipes will have chemicals in that won’t make them biodegradable. What the BBC is really doing is creating a health scare; especially when they’re presenting evidence endorsed from other countries.

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