Thursday 21 June 2018

Thai Chilli

We were interested in trying some Asian cuisine. We took the Metro into the city centre; found a giant friendship arch with a lot of sports bars and some traditional restaurants with equally traditional dodgy menus. One offered stir-fried frog. But after wandering through a backstreet we somehow ended up in a shopping centre with a Thai restaurant hidden in a corner next to a flight of stairs. It was quite quiet inside, but we were running out of options as most places seemed to stop serving after 9pm. So in we went. It was a bit dark inside but the waiter was very friendly and was happy to chat. He helped us out right away with iced water to cool us off. I opted for the Chicken Pad Thai which was very flavoursome while Mum went for a traditional Thai curry but couldn’t remember which colour to go for. We also had a mystery vegetable which turned out to be an eggplant; or aubergine as we call them in the UK. The service was excellent and I’d go there again if I could.

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