Tuesday 5 June 2018

A crack in the fissure #NMermaid2

Jenny was tired of being an underling; forced to serve her master. She always wondered what life would be like on the outside. She’d hear whispers of tales from her victims while he was resting; and occasionally she’d piece together stories from the screams of his victims while locked away in her cage. It would be just heaven to escape from her routine of pleasing her master at night. If only she could rid herself of her chains, she could squeeze through the earth’s fissure during the next earthquake. Of course, there was the matter of her spawn. She’d been carrying her master’s child for some time. She’d no way of knowing the gender or whether it would please her master; but it was due very soon. She could feel it kicking round her belly. Perhaps there was an opportunity for her chains to be loosened before she went into labour. It all depended on the desire of her master…

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