Wednesday 20 June 2018

Nelson Mutineer's Revenge at the Rising Sun, Redditch

I’d love to set sail on a traditional sailing ship. Not a modern luxury streamlined one with an engine in case of a lack of wind; but a proper galleon one with two masts; lots of netting to climb up to the crow’s rest, and ropes to swing up and down on to get about the deck. There’d be a captain with a traditional wheel and we’d rely solely on map and compass to get us through the day. Below decks we’d sleep in hammocks and swap bottles of ale and sea shanties in the mess room. I think it would be great just to sail for the experience and get given a different job each day. It would be great fun if people got together to sail to a destination in these types of ships. Or better yet, build one yourself to your own liking and be your own captain…

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