Wednesday 27 June 2018

The Heart of the Matter #dreamdiary 54

I’m having a heart attack! I’ve got this large adrenaline needle to give me a boast to keep me going, but no-one wants to give it to me in case they administer it incorrectly; including myself. Fortunately, the university that I’m in does have its own medical wing; so I set off in search of help. It’s a very futuristic place and the walls are all painted yellow and cream and have huge ten-foot corridors. There’s a safety rail that I use to pull myself along towards the hospital wing while others zoom along in hoverbeds in a specially built track on the other side of the corridor. I spot a phone and call the paramedics but they refuse to come until the needle is administered. I ask passers-by for help but they run away in fear. Finally, I reach the medical wing but all I see is a ward full of beds and I cannot find anywhere to assist.

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