Sunday 3 June 2018

Loveless Lush

Lush sells cosmetics. It’s a shop that makes its own stuff and sells it to the public. It might be a bit pricey but it’s good quality and quite novel. We don’t have a branch at home any more so I have to travel to find a store. I love the smell of going into a Lush shop; it also amazes me how much I spend there when I’m shopping for gifts. So I found it quite bizarre when I was told that the company had got political and had decided to launch a campaign against the police. When you read about the story; you might sympathise with its ethics. But its advertising has gone completely in the opposite direction, and there’s nothing to distinguish their message from all police officers. There’s not information presented about the undercover police. And that’s where the message and this campaign gets out of hand. Perhaps they should have selected a better campaign such as animal welfare or the use of plastics; at least the public would still support them. This will hit their sales hard. And I’m going to have to have a big think on what to buy my lady friends from now.

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