Sunday 10 June 2018

A Light Lunch #nuclearmermaid4

Jenny got ready to exit the limo. She’d had a fun time entertaining the pool boy after a large lunch, but now she really needed to get down to business. The car pulled up right outside her husband’s offices, and the building’s doorman sprang into action one he’d spotted the car’s plates. Jenny squeezed herself out of the door. Rather than linger for her to exit, the doorman shot straight ahead to open the building’s entrance for her, leaving the limousine’s door open. Jenny had to duck and stoop to walk through the golden frame into the lobby; but she soon stretched out into the foyer once she arrived. She skirted around the scanner to the security guard’s desk and gave a cheeky smile and flashed her cleavage at the young black guard, sliding over the counter as she did so. She then marched past the queue to the nearest open elevator and peered inside. “Room for little old me?” she asked.

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