Saturday 23 June 2018

A Wandering Mind

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." -Napoleon Hill

There’s a solution to everything. You just have to find the right one in time. If you think that you can spend one night physically writing the entire works of Shakespeare in one go then you can so long as you’ve acquired a great sense of speed-typing beforehand. Otherwise you may have to put some training in before the night in question or develop a plan for others to assist you; or perhaps even employ them. There are, of course, some practicalities of what you can and cannot do in one life. It’s all about limits and reality. And if you’re short on time then you may have to occupy yourself with other tasks while you wait for the time machine to be invented; unless, of course, you’re directly responsible for building the time machine. If you can imagine it then it can be done. But reality is harder hitting.

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