Saturday 9 June 2018

On the Buses #dreamdiary52

We’re off to France for the weekend! I’ve got together with some workmates and we’re going to drive down to the border and get across the channel for a wild evening of beers in another country. We decided to borrow a minivan but we couldn’t get hold of one, so we decided to sneak across the border underneath a lorry. The first one stops in a queue of traffic outside my local pub and two of my friends walk underneath the trailer, grab hold of two silver handles and hoist themselves up to hold on for dear life. I’ve no idea how long we have to hold on for or even if the lorry is actually going to France, but the next one is fast approaching and the third friend just walks underneath and grabs on. But while I’ve been thinking about it, I’ve missed my chance and the lorry starts moving. Maybe I can rent a transit and follow them so at least they can sleep it off on the way back.

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