Monday 11 June 2018

Rocco's Army

Change. It’s something that we all want. Do we suffer as we are, or do we take action; however drastic; to change our ways and persuade those in power that our way is best. Do we carry on whinging to our friends about what we can’t change, or do we say farewell to them and find new ones that can? Is it better to live a long life of suffering, or a short one knowing that you have achieved some good or have inspired others to do the same? And if in the process we can persuade the majority to join in our cause in some respect; however small; and help right each other’s wrongs; then surely this majority can convince those in power that their insolence in office will not stand; their exploitation will not go unnoticed and the principals that they set in stone will slowly begin to tumble. This group pulls people together so that their courage multiplies threefold. This is doing what’s tight for the greater good. This is Rocco’s army.

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