Wednesday 13 June 2018

The Dr. Buttons Double Cornetto and Grated Cheese Tour

Dear Friends,

We’d like to invite you to join us on Dr. Buttons’ Double Cornetto and Grated Cheese Tour. It takes place in September where we’ll be embarking on a rather long road trip to visit places of interest on our bucket list. These include but aren’t limited to golf in Birmingham, Cheese-rolling in Gloucestershire; Cow-Tipping in Milton Keynes; posing as statues in Wells and graduating in Oxford. We may not achieve all these goals and we may find other places to pillage along the way; but you are very welcome to join us for a mad week of fun wherever we may end up; or perhaps you’d like to meet or escort us for a short part of our journey. We’ll be staying in a mixture of campsites and B&Bs; basically depending on whatever the weather’s doing and what we can find. And if you can’t join us then please keep an eye out for #drbuttonsdoublecornettoandgratedcheesetour where we’ll try to post as many of our antics as possible.

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