Tuesday 26 June 2018

Kids Gone Wild

It’s every parent’s dream; a dumping ground in a pub for children. There’s things for them to do; there’s other kids with them; they’re in an enclosed room so they can’t wander off and they can wander back to them whenever they want something. But who’s watching the kids? No-one. So they’re just climbing up and walking on top of the video game machines that they’re supposed to be sitting at. There’s fights as they pull each other off of the stools as they all want to colour the whole screen in themselves. There’s a battle on the ride-on machines over who’s got the money and how many kids can sit on it, leaving the poor person who’s actually paid in tears. There’s sticky carpets and empty pop bottles everywhere. It’s a shame that they didn’t create an outdoor area; but it’s a sign of the times; they want us to be glued to the screens.

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