Friday 6 October 2017

The Woes of Web Advertising

You’ve found a good web article that you want to read. It could be from an e-mail group that you subscribe to; or you could be searching for advice. Then the site loads; and it takes ages. That’s because the website is full of advertising. Firstly, you see the text that you want to read. But then there’s margins either side; and this turns out to be banners for another site that you’ve no interest in. Then the cookies kick in and try to find content relevant to your interests. A video kicks in and starts to play in the background; slowing down your computer even further. Finally; when you scroll down; there’s pop-ups and pictures in between the article you want to read; slowing down your computer even more and it takes ages to load more advertising, and it takes ages to load each line. All of which tries to convince you to sign in and pay for premium content to make the advertising go away. But I’d rather not use these sites at all.

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