Sunday 15 October 2017

I'm on a Bond Set!

Huge cooling tanks; metal walkways and bubbling liquids makes you think that this is sort of underground Bond lair that you’ve just infiltrated. There’s tanks full of chemicals bubbling away and metal containers galore ready to erupt. You can just picture someone planting C4 on one of the tanks in preparation for a grand explosion; with men in hard hats and wearing white coats dashing to the exit with the sounds of a klaxon blaring in the background. There’s even ladders for people to slide down. But this isn’t a film set; it’s a working brewery! This huge room is where the beer is left to settle before being poured into casks. It would have been great fun if they actually filmed a movie in the brewery then added the explosions afterwards; but the whole scene was probably recorded on a closed set. It probably would have been a bit of a health and safety nightmare too. 

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