Wednesday 25 October 2017

The Little One: Part 4 #scavenger9

Lee charged up the metal stair frame. Prisoners were usually held on higher ground rather than lower ground so that if they did escape from their cell they had a greater chance of injuring themselves on the way down. Now that an attack had begun, he had very little time before the Arabs could activate the countdown to the nuclear detonator. As he reached the first floor, his ear started to buzz. He looked ahead and all was clear so he pressed the connect button.
‘Lee, it’s started. I don’t know what’s happened but it’s started. He’s actually carrying out his threat.’
‘It’s because of me. I’ve infiltrated the base. Had to make my own entrance.’
What? Why?’
‘Because the president is going to cave into his demands regardless. If there’s a chance that we can rescue Natalya then I’m going to take it.’
‘You know that’s against orders.’
‘But our orders are being undermined. They’re just delaying the inevitable.’
‘There’s a five minute countdown.’
Get onto control. Get them to deploy as many countermeasures as they can.’

‘OK. Out.’

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