Tuesday 10 October 2017

Hobsons Town Crier at the Sportmans Arms, Redditch

Being across the road from a local college; you’d have thought that this pub would be packed out 24/7. But despite being one of the oldest venues in town; it still struggles to do business. It’s not one of the  most reputable places in the area; it usually fills up during the lunch hour but at night it’s dead apart from the low-life locals. And when the sun sets; you’re more likely to find the landlord heading out to another venue than stretching out for the sale of one last pint. But the people behind this pub haven’t got the faintest idea how to run it. For starters; the pub company have let it to someone who’s gone bankrupt in another venue; meaning that as a local you can’t rely on their services. But somehow they’ve made it work. It could be people that’s been banned from every other venue in town; or it could be a desperate bunch of alcoholics; but somehow the clubhouse works.

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