Sunday 22 October 2017

Little Me

Last week I headed up to Birmingham to see Matt Lucas on stage. Oddly, he wasn’t performing; he was actually giving a talk about his acting career. What we thought we were attending was a book launch, and we just hoped that he wasn’t going to tell everyone to turn to a certain page at some point as we hadn’t forked out £20 for the book. But after getting into the auditorium then being asked to leave; we re-found our seats to find that there were three seats on the stage. We wondered if he’d invited any special guests; perhaps David Walliams might have been invited. Then we wondered why one seat was apart from the other two. Was it in case one of them fancied moving around a bit? No, it was actually for a sign language interpreter. And the second centre seat was actually for an interviewer who got stuck on the motorway and turned up to the show twenty minutes late. 

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