Thursday 26 October 2017

A staged interview on a stage...

So what do you do when your interviewer turns up late for your show? Do you let your audience sit there and twiddle your thumbs? Or do you take a deep breath and go out and meet them? And Matt chose the latter, which was absolutely fantastic. The trouble was that he then decided to try and find someone to replace his interviewer. This would truly be a test for someone; as you’d obviously need a few questions prepared to take the interviewer’s place. But amazingly; someone was duly selected; conveniently from the front row along with their burger. Not an item of choice to accompany a temporary interviewer; and while the mysterious lady was being miked up I began to wonder if this would work. At first it didn’t; we learnt all too much about the interviewee; but then all of a sudden she turned it around quite well and started to congratulate Matt on his work and she just seemed to know a little too much about him. I think the burger was a bit of a giveaway… 

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