Sunday 29 October 2017

Grand Theft Lanyard

It was great fun to walk around a historic brewery, and I felt that I could really do with taking away a souvenir. But rather than having them out on show; they were locked away in ornate wooden display cases. And as the bar was pretty busy; it felt awkward and rude to hold everyone up just for the sake of the sale of a keyring. Oddly, we’d been given visitor passes which we were required to wear at all times, and we also had to sign in and out of the site. It would have been courteous to hand this back in; but this was too good a souvenir to return. So, on the pretence of doing up my shoelace; I slipped my lanyard holder into my bag. Luckily there was a crowd of people waiting to sign out; so the guard asked us to toss the passes into a bucket. I wonder what would have happened if I tried to roll a barrel underneath his window…

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