Friday 20 October 2017

Kinver Caveman Bitter at the Vine, Kinver

This isn’t one of the best pubs in the town for beer choice; but it’s certainly nice to outside in their large canal side beer garden and watch the narrowboats drive through the village’s lock. It aims to cater for individual dining; though there is a separate restaurant at the rear. The pub has gone from a set of cottages into one large building with its own parking. It has an outhouse which hosts a barbecue on their busier days; while closer to home is a relaxing set of decking. Inside there’s a restaurant serving a carvery with an enormous tower-shaped dessert fridge; while the horseshoe open-bricked bar hosts up to three real ales including a local brew. There’s a small window nook to watch village life go by; though as this pub is at the end of the village the most you’ll see is passing traffic. And the only bit of vine that you’ll find will be in the wine.

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