Saturday 28 October 2017

Stop the Bus! #dreamdiary40

I’m in Worcester. I’ve agreed to give a friend a lift home. It’s started to rain very heavily; luckily, we’ve got waterproofs with us. Instead of taking cover into a bus shelter in front of us; we very cheekily duck into an alleyway across the entrance to someone’s house. My friend is in and out in practically no time but my jacket is at the bottom of my bag so I take a little longer. Suddenly, a storm of people appears from outside the house and file straight past me into the alleyway below. One of them, a bald man with a goatee, has a glass of water with him which he pours all over me as I descend. ‘Oh, thanks’ I say. As the last person dashes past I prepare to leave but a wooden door gets slammed in my face. I look forward and see a woman walking round and getting into a cab in front. It’s then I realise that somehow I’ve boarded a bus. I start yelling for the driver to stop but he can’t hear me as he’s too busy talking to the woman in the cab. I turn around and ask a passenger where this bus is going, but all I can make out is a destination beginning with a G and ending in l. All I can do is to wait to see where I’m going. It doesn’t feel like a faraway destination; and it may actually be closer to where the car is. I decide to phone my friend when I get there when I learn a little more; though getting off may take some time as I have no ticket.

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