Saturday 21 October 2017

The Little One Part Three #scavenger8

The sentry on guard in the telephone kiosk-sized patrol booth stared dumb-struck as the tanker tumbled past his outpost and into the gate. Lee nodded at the guard then sprinted straight ahead through a steel door straight ahead of him. He reached it just as the alarm sounded. He needed to create as much chaos as possible to keep the enemy distracted; he’d then have more time to find the hostage and disable the base’s defences so that he could call in some support to help him escape.

     The first doorway he spotted turned out to be an office; inside was a single computer on a wall-mounted desk with box files on shelves and invoices everywhere. Grabbing a handful of paperwork, he reached under the desk and gave a tug on the many wires below. He quickly wrapped papers around the wires and set the paper alight; this would quickly make a hazardous electrical fire.

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