Friday 27 October 2017

The Little One: Part 5 #scavenger10

Lee charged down the corridor skipping several doors. Any door containing a hostage would have a hatch so that the jailer could keep an eye on their captives; then again the room that Natalya was in might not haven been planned for that purpose. He halted at this thought and prepared to charge back the way he came; when suddenly he heard a sob. Female. Without hesitation he began pounding on the door.
‘Natalya! Natalya! British Forces!’ But there was no reply. There was also no handle or latch; just a traditional keyhole penetrating the lead-covered door. He would have to blow it open. Taking a very small ball of C4, he threaded in a fuse then stuffed the ball into the keyhole.
‘Stand back! I’m going to blow the door!’.

He retreated a few steps then lit the fuse. After a few seconds there was a large bang. Returning to the keyhole; Lee could see that the lock had moved; and taking a grip between the keyhole and the edge of the door, he managed to bend the lock out of position just enough to prise the door open.  

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