Despite the huge scale of the
brewery; they’ve allowed a baby brewery in their visitor’s centre. There could
be four different beers fermenting here waiting to be decanted. It has a
strange background of tiled brick; which reminds me of my old council swimming
pool. The bricked floor gives an impression of someone’s driveway; giving the impression
that they’re brewing somewhere in between their backyard and a large industrial
plant. These top secret brews are sold only at the heritage centre for MDs and
taste testers to sample before a decision is made as to whether to brew this
particular recipe on a larger scale. It could even be where the visiting
brewers from abroad come to visit for the Wetherspoon beer festival. But it’s
all fenced off; and there’s too many novelty wheels to turn on the fermenter;
suggesting that it’s like a mad scientist tinkering in his shed. But it’s way
too clean; and it’s there as if it’s been put on show as a museum piece.
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
The Last Doughnut
it is. The last doughnut. It’s sitting there quietly untouched in its
glistening packaging. You know it’s not yours because you had one yesterday;
and you don’t even know who brought them in. It’s yesterday’s food but it’s
still there. Surely it’s polite to save it for whoever bought them. But will it
go in someone’s tummy, or will it go in the bin? Or will the cleaner steal it
for her breakfast? That’s the ultimate question because if the bin is going to
win then surely you’re entitled to have a bite and make sure that it goes to a
good home? It’s a shame to let it go to waste; but it’ll be more polite if
someone else eats it. But is anyone brave enough to? Or is it best to let it go
and walk away calmly knowing that you haven’t got a reputation of scavenging
food off everyone.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Grand Theft Lanyard
It was great fun to walk around a
historic brewery, and I felt that I could really do with taking away a souvenir.
But rather than having them out on show; they were locked away in ornate wooden
display cases. And as the bar was pretty busy; it felt awkward and rude to hold
everyone up just for the sake of the sale of a keyring. Oddly, we’d been given
visitor passes which we were required to wear at all times, and we also had to
sign in and out of the site. It would have been courteous to hand this back in;
but this was too good a souvenir to return. So, on the pretence of doing up my
shoelace; I slipped my lanyard holder into my bag. Luckily there was a crowd of
people waiting to sign out; so the guard asked us to toss the passes into a
bucket. I wonder what would have happened if I tried to roll a barrel underneath
his window…
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Stop the Bus! #dreamdiary40
I’m in Worcester. I’ve agreed to
give a friend a lift home. It’s started to rain very heavily; luckily, we’ve
got waterproofs with us. Instead of taking cover into a bus shelter in front of
us; we very cheekily duck into an alleyway across the entrance to someone’s
house. My friend is in and out in practically no time but my jacket is at the bottom
of my bag so I take a little longer. Suddenly, a storm of people appears from
outside the house and file straight past me into the alleyway below. One of
them, a bald man with a goatee, has a glass of water with him which he pours
all over me as I descend. ‘Oh, thanks’ I say. As the last person dashes past I
prepare to leave but a wooden door gets slammed in my face. I look forward and
see a woman walking round and getting into a cab in front. It’s then I realise
that somehow I’ve boarded a bus. I start yelling for the driver to stop but he
can’t hear me as he’s too busy talking to the woman in the cab. I turn around
and ask a passenger where this bus is going, but all I can make out is a
destination beginning with a G and ending in l. All I can do is to wait to see
where I’m going. It doesn’t feel like a faraway destination; and it may actually
be closer to where the car is. I decide to phone my friend when I get there
when I learn a little more; though getting off may take some time as I have no
Friday, 27 October 2017
The Little One: Part 5 #scavenger10
charged down the corridor skipping several doors. Any door containing a hostage
would have a hatch so that the jailer could keep an eye on their captives; then
again the room that Natalya was in might not haven been planned for that
purpose. He halted at this thought and prepared to charge back the way he came;
when suddenly he heard a sob. Female. Without hesitation he began pounding on
the door.
Natalya! British Forces!’ But there was no reply. There was also no handle or
latch; just a traditional keyhole penetrating the lead-covered door. He would
have to blow it open. Taking a very small ball of C4, he threaded in a fuse
then stuffed the ball into the keyhole.
back! I’m going to blow the door!’.
He retreated
a few steps then lit the fuse. After a few seconds there was a large bang.
Returning to the keyhole; Lee could see that the lock had moved; and taking a
grip between the keyhole and the edge of the door, he managed to bend the lock
out of position just enough to prise the door open.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
A staged interview on a stage...
what do you do when your interviewer turns up late for your show? Do you let
your audience sit there and twiddle your thumbs? Or do you take a deep breath
and go out and meet them? And Matt chose the latter, which was absolutely fantastic.
The trouble was that he then decided to try and find someone to replace his
interviewer. This would truly be a test for someone; as you’d obviously need a
few questions prepared to take the interviewer’s place. But amazingly; someone
was duly selected; conveniently from the front row along with their burger. Not
an item of choice to accompany a temporary interviewer; and while the
mysterious lady was being miked up I began to wonder if this would work. At
first it didn’t; we learnt all too much about the interviewee; but then all of
a sudden she turned it around quite well and started to congratulate Matt on
his work and she just seemed to know a little too much about him. I think the
burger was a bit of a giveaway…
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
The Little One: Part 4 #scavenger9
Lee charged up the metal stair frame. Prisoners were usually
held on higher ground rather than lower ground so that if they did escape from
their cell they had a greater chance of injuring themselves on the way down.
Now that an attack had begun, he had very little time before the Arabs could
activate the countdown to the nuclear detonator. As he reached the first floor,
his ear started to buzz. He looked ahead and all was clear so he pressed the
connect button.
‘Lee, it’s started. I don’t know what’s happened but it’s
started. He’s actually carrying out his threat.’
‘It’s because of me. I’ve infiltrated the base. Had to make
my own entrance.’
What? Why?’
‘Because the president is going to cave into his demands
regardless. If there’s a chance that we can rescue Natalya then I’m going to
take it.’
‘You know that’s against orders.’
‘But our orders are being undermined. They’re just delaying
the inevitable.’
‘There’s a five minute countdown.’
Get onto control. Get them to deploy as many countermeasures
as they can.’
‘OK. Out.’
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Court Invasion #dreamdiary39
I’m playing badminton with some
friends. Strangely, there’s four pallets of catalogues from work on the courts;
and these books are in high demand. I think to myself that I could get these
moved very quickly. There’s four courts and we split up for a game of doubles. I
team up with a friend who says that he can’t move very fast and I tell him not
to worry about it. We then warm up against a pair of ladies. We’re struggling
to hit any shot apart from one which parks itself perfectly in the tramline.
The older woman declares it’s out and I’m only realising that she’s right now
because there’s no actual net on the court. Then the whole court is invaded by
foreign people who just pour in and occupy every court and start to either play
badminton or watch from the side lines. Everyone starts to invent wild excuses
and leave; one friend says that he has plane to catch. Another has gone already
without even saying goodbye. I walk round the hall with one of my colleagues tailing
me; and retrieve my stuff.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Memory Man by David Baldacci

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
There’s probably thousands of detective novels out there and this story isn’t one that I would choose; it just ended up on my I-pad as a freebie. That said; this tells a stereotypical story of a depressed private dic and his troubled past; and ultimately how he battles his demons to get back on the waggon. It’s not very inspiring; each chapter is shortly written and there’s not enough suspense to keep the pages turning (or sliding in my case!). It wasn’t too hard to guess that the shooter had transformed their size; who would idolise a giant fat man? Then there’s the usual lack of teamwork between federal departments the need to keep all leads close to the troubled protagonist. The characters are introduced too slowly for you to have a guess at ‘whodunnit’; and I often thought it was the oddball journalist who gave up her 9-5 job to tail him almost everywhere; yet towards the end of the novel there’s no motive for her to be involved other than she’s just bored of her current situation. Even the final chase is nothing new; a man who is forced to take on the culprits alone without any form of back-up. Yes, it’s an origin story; but it’s nothing inspirational.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Little Me
Last week I headed up to
Birmingham to see Matt Lucas on stage. Oddly, he wasn’t performing; he was
actually giving a talk about his acting career. What we thought we were
attending was a book launch, and we just hoped that he wasn’t going to tell
everyone to turn to a certain page at some point as we hadn’t forked out £20
for the book. But after getting into the auditorium then being asked to leave;
we re-found our seats to find that there were three seats on the stage. We
wondered if he’d invited any special guests; perhaps David Walliams might have
been invited. Then we wondered why one seat was apart from the other two. Was
it in case one of them fancied moving around a bit? No, it was actually for a
sign language interpreter. And the second centre seat was actually for an
interviewer who got stuck on the motorway and turned up to the show twenty
minutes late.
Saturday, 21 October 2017
The Little One Part Three #scavenger8
The sentry on guard in the
telephone kiosk-sized patrol booth stared dumb-struck as the tanker tumbled
past his outpost and into the gate. Lee nodded at the guard then sprinted
straight ahead through a steel door straight ahead of him. He reached it just
as the alarm sounded. He needed to create as much chaos as possible to keep the
enemy distracted; he’d then have more time to find the hostage and disable the
base’s defences so that he could call in some support to help him escape.
The first doorway he spotted
turned out to be an office; inside was a single computer on a wall-mounted desk
with box files on shelves and invoices everywhere. Grabbing a handful of
paperwork, he reached under the desk and gave a tug on the many wires below. He
quickly wrapped papers around the wires and set the paper alight; this would
quickly make a hazardous electrical fire.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Kinver Caveman Bitter at the Vine, Kinver
This isn’t one of the best pubs
in the town for beer choice; but it’s certainly nice to outside in their large
canal side beer garden and watch the narrowboats drive through the village’s
lock. It aims to cater for individual dining; though there is a separate restaurant
at the rear. The pub has gone from a set of cottages into one large building
with its own parking. It has an outhouse which hosts a barbecue on their busier
days; while closer to home is a relaxing set of decking. Inside there’s a restaurant
serving a carvery with an enormous tower-shaped dessert fridge; while the
horseshoe open-bricked bar hosts up to three real ales including a local brew.
There’s a small window nook to watch village life go by; though as this pub is
at the end of the village the most you’ll see is passing traffic. And the only
bit of vine that you’ll find will be in the wine.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
The Little One Part Two #scavenger7
Now that Lee had an enemy vehicle;
he had a decent chance of getting to the base’s perimeter. At least he could
drive to the gate; and from there he would have to improvise. As he got closer;
he wondered if there was any method of surveillance or whether he was supposed
to maintain a regulation speed. As if in answer; the radio crackled into life
asking for a passcode. He knew he didn’t have time for this; so the best course
of action was to get there as quickly as possible and leave it for the enemy to
take action. Of course he could be shot down; but there was always the chance
that the enemy would show mercy when it came to one of their own. As he climbed
the hill, he could see a single sentry booth outside a chicken-wire gate that
began to slide shut. Grabbing the brick, he dropped it on the gas pedal and unfastened
his belt. Tying it around the steering wheel; he opened the door and jumped;
tugging his belt as he did so. As he dropped and rolled; the vehicle fell on
its side and began rolling towards the sentry booth. A simple shot gave him a
rolling ball of fire which would create his very own entrance to his one-man
assault on the base…
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Father Ted
This gentle sitcom describes the
simple ways of a man trying to survive in a small Catholic community while
trying to figure out the next step in their lives. It’s a battle of
one-upmanship; whether it’s the neighbouring parish; the bishop; or even the
church itself as they’re seldom seen actually taking communion. Every act that’s
designed to better themselves and improve their lives always seems to backfire;
and Ted has somehow stop events from escalating even further. Although Ted
drops hints of his actions in his past life; we know very little of Dougal and
Jack; and it would have been great to have seen some kind of origin story for
them. It’s such a shame that this well-written comedy had an untimely ending
because of the loss of the brilliant Dermot Morgan. I don’t think O’Hanlon has
come close to fame in any other acting roles as a charming simpleton.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Beer Cloud
is life as it’s always living. It’s like lava in a glass. Using the power of
yellowing yeast; each bubble bounds a bittersweet component of the flavour together.
A bright light shines through the foamy clouds into the valley below. Yellows
turn to white which falls like snow to lighten the brown. The yeast flows
through the light and follows the wind into the slopes of the east. Great hills
of foam begin to form and build up to bubble away up into the hills and spill
over into the black spot below; ensuring that maximum refreshment is spread as
wide as possible. A small ledge builds up over the river; ready to help carve
the wave of yeasty foam. The hole begins to fill and flow into the valley;
ready to flow over to the west side. A second, shallower river slowly begins to
trickle out of the corner of the light.
Monday, 16 October 2017
A Terrifying Teletubby
For my niece’s second birthday,
we decided to buy her a dancing Teletubby. It’s red and fluffy; it makes noises
and plays three different songs; and it dances. But she’s absolutely terrified
of it. And I can see why. Why should toys move by themselves? They’re supposed to
be still unless they’re played with; and when it comes to switches that are
hidden and they move by themselves; they don’t understand how they work. They tend
to think that they’re real people rather than something that they can play
with. And you can see the same fear when someone dresses up as a kid’s TV
character. When they’re on the screen; they’re laughing and waving at them because
they’re a lot smaller. But when they meet them in real life; they’re unrealistically
huge so that they stand out from the crowd. They’d realistically think that
they’d be the same height as them, so you can see why there are some very
terrified tots out there.
Sunday, 15 October 2017
I'm on a Bond Set!
cooling tanks; metal walkways and bubbling liquids makes you think that this is
sort of underground Bond lair that
you’ve just infiltrated. There’s tanks full of chemicals bubbling away and
metal containers galore ready to erupt. You can just picture someone planting
C4 on one of the tanks in preparation for a grand explosion; with men in hard
hats and wearing white coats dashing to the exit with the sounds of a klaxon
blaring in the background. There’s even ladders for people to slide down. But
this isn’t a film set; it’s a working brewery! This huge room is where the beer
is left to settle before being poured into casks. It would have been great fun if
they actually filmed a movie in the brewery then added the explosions afterwards;
but the whole scene was probably recorded on a closed set. It probably would
have been a bit of a health and safety nightmare too.
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Change happens one step at a time. It’s not always quick or instant. But
when it does happen, you can sense that it’s time to progress onto something
else; whether you’re ready for it or not. And it always has an effect on the environment
around you; whether you can sense it or not. Even by remaining motionless; you’re
reducing your air consumption and energy intake; freeing up resources for other
people. There is only a finite amount of air; so it’s important that we
continue to produce agriculture to sustain our environment. And even a simple
act of turning on a television can create sound ripples that can be detected by
other creatures. But what good does throwing a stone into a pond do? It might
cause ripples; but eventually the water will settle down again and return to
its natural state. Instead you need to hit that pond with a landslide to change
it forever.
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." -Mother Teresa.
Friday, 13 October 2017
A Barrel or Two
No, it’s not the underside of a
wooden conveyor belt with giant wooden rollers; it’s a barrel of beer! A whole
row of them in fact! Not pub-sized ones, but proper hogsheads that are ready to
be rolled off to another part of the brewery for bottling. Very few pubs could
get through one of these before the fermentation expires. Butt the traditional
aroma of wood certainly adds to the flavour of the beer, and it can be stored
here for around two weeks to gain full maturity. Wood isn’t the best shape to
hold together, and I’m amazed at how leakproof these barrels are. I would have
thought that the easiest way to make a barrel would be to scoop out the inside
of a tree. Instead we have straight-cut pieces of timber that are bound
together tightly by a metal frame work. It’s not an easy thing to achieve;
especially when they used to be built by hand. I wonder if they still are.
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Lego Masters
This is just what I wanted to
see- creative team-building at its best; despite being let down by its camp
presenters. There was certainly some fast-thinking involved with time limits
set to each build and a good knowledge of brick pieces are necessary. The judging
was a bit random to the end of the programme; and it would have been good to have
seen a recap of which team had achieved for each episode; or have awarded
points for each build. I certainly disagreed with some of the judges’
decisions. It was heart-breaking to see the youngest team thrown out of the
competition; they tried so hard with every build. The teaching team certainly
held it together during the final; you could see the cracks begin to form in
the relationship between Uncle and nephew. However; despite the models constantly
cracking; they preserved to create some very imaginative and different pieces.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This is an interesting tale of a man who strives to do as little as possible to obtain a cheap lay. It’s his ability to lie which achieves sexual conquest for him; yet the tables are turned towards the end when the lying-in bed turns into a plea to lie with him in order to escape conviction. We’re given a hint of the fact that something’s gone wrong early on in the novel; and it’s the what that persuades us to read further into this man’s selfish acts. His actions are quite repulsive and you have to wonder how the families put up with him; especially when he steals from them. His own instincts of the plot are only aroused slightly when one of the younger family members gets into a spot of bother; yet his own behaviours are quite secretive and are often unexplainable which hinders his attempts to plead his innocence. The narrative is very descriptive; though it loses its focus when Paul doesn't supply the reasons for his actions.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Hobsons Town Crier at the Sportmans Arms, Redditch
Being across the road from a
local college; you’d have thought that this pub would be packed out 24/7. But
despite being one of the oldest venues in town; it still struggles to do
business. It’s not one of the most
reputable places in the area; it usually fills up during the lunch hour but at
night it’s dead apart from the low-life locals. And when the sun sets; you’re more
likely to find the landlord heading out to another venue than stretching out
for the sale of one last pint. But the people behind this pub haven’t got the
faintest idea how to run it. For starters; the pub company have let it to
someone who’s gone bankrupt in another venue; meaning that as a local you can’t
rely on their services. But somehow they’ve made it work. It could be people that’s
been banned from every other venue in town; or it could be a desperate bunch of
alcoholics; but somehow the clubhouse works.
Monday, 9 October 2017
Cones and Domes
These naturally formed pyramid-like
structures are a common appearance in breweries. If they got together; something
even more imaginative could have been formed over thousands of years.
Fortunately, man put a stop to the mating process by putting a crusher at the
bottom of it; ensuring that any malt that falls through the grinder is as
ground and fine as possible. The dial on the side controls the flow of gravity
into the kettle. It’s like two girls and one cup, but on a grander scale. The floor
is painted red so that any spillage is instantly identifiable to facilitate hygiene.
It’s also kept extra shiny. I wonder how long it takes the cleaner to polish it
every morning. Once the malt gets through, it’s then boiled up with yeast inside
this giant kettle, then hops are added and it’s left alone for at least two
weeks until the beer is born.
Sunday, 8 October 2017
I'm Sleeping on the Oakland Bridge
It’s not the actual bridge that I’m
sleeping on; but a digital image printed onto my bedding! At first I thought it
was a New York Bridge; but then the view of the Transamerica building on my
pillowcase corrected me. As all things that you buy from a catalogue, it looks
good in the picture but the actual image is a bit distorted as it’s blown up
and stretched over the fabric. But the smudges do disguise any stains that
might arise. The material itself feels quite rough but it has a decent thread
count to offer a fair amount of warmth. The sky has a strangely vivid sunset
which just happens to match the colour of my walls, and the lights on the
building blends in with this too. The tarmac and the lights of the buildings
share the same sort of light, while any natural materials are camouflaged in
Saturday, 7 October 2017
Gone for a Burton
I had a mission to get to Burton.
I’d been promised a free tour of the historical site of the brewery so long as
I attended a meeting afterwards. After leaving the train station, I had no
choice but to follow the blue dot on my phone; which took me on a long walk out
of town. Suddenly, I found that I was walking around the back of the brewery,
but I was rescued by a fellow attendee. Since he had driven because of mobility
issues; I found myself having no choice but to look after him while we climbed
the many steps around the site. But we still had an excellent tour. We were shown
the fermenters and the racks; all of which were on a ridiculously large scale;
and had to climb many steps for a good view. We were also shown a tour of the
delivery yard and were told of the brewery’s modern day logistical operation.
Friday, 6 October 2017
The Woes of Web Advertising
You’ve found a good web article
that you want to read. It could be from an e-mail group that you subscribe to;
or you could be searching for advice. Then the site loads; and it takes ages.
That’s because the website is full of advertising. Firstly, you see the text
that you want to read. But then there’s margins either side; and this turns out
to be banners for another site that you’ve no interest in. Then the cookies
kick in and try to find content relevant to your interests. A video kicks in
and starts to play in the background; slowing down your computer even further.
Finally; when you scroll down; there’s pop-ups and pictures in between the
article you want to read; slowing down your computer even more and it takes
ages to load more advertising, and it takes ages to load each line. All of
which tries to convince you to sign in and pay for premium content to make the
advertising go away. But I’d rather not use these sites at all.
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Tanked Up
At first glance, you might think
who wo so much beer? Perhaps all they need is a straw. A second guess would be
that this tanker drives from venue to venue; topping up any barrels that
require it. But it’s actually been brought here up the motorway to be siphoned
off into individual barrels. It’s also false advertising; since the product within
is probably all keg. Just think of all the yeast that would be within
otherwise. It’d have to be filtered again just to get into the barrel. And the
reason that it’s travelled from Witney to Burton? It’s a cost-saving exercise;
since the cost of transporting it is cheaper than owning two barrelling plants.
It just goes to show that it’s really difficult for the big boys to produce a
truly local product. They have to think of everything to save the pennies; and
crucially; it also means less jobs on the original site.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
I use subtitles a lot; mainly when
I’m watching TV with the volume turned down so as not to disturb anyone; or
when the a noisy appliance is in operation in the kitchen. I’ve always wondered
how they do subtitles on TV, and a recent incident calling a northern football
team as scumbags instead of comma brought these thoughts into focus. I’ve
always thought that during live broadcasts there’d be someone typing furiously away
in the background; which explains the inevitable delay and the occasional
mistake and the lag. But nowadays it’s done by dictation. It’s odd enough that
a subtitler needs to say the word comma. And this match was actually a replay;
so you’d have thought that the text for the commentary had already been
proofread between recording and publication. Yet many broadcasters choose not to
prepare their subtitles beforehand. You’d have thought that this would save
them a lot of money; especially with repeat programmes.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is such an enchanting tale; and even though a castle is featured; there’s no fairy-tale ending about it. The characters are all fiercely independent (the exception being fiscal) which makes for a very interesting read. Cassandra’s diary certainly narrates the events of the novel in great detail; and her own comments and opinions really brings the book to life. She seems to get most of her descriptions by smell rather than sight and sounds. I think it’s a shame that her naivety leads Stephen to be attracted to her, but it’s this trait that does get her into some rather interesting situations; perhaps like a modern day ditzy blonde. Towards the end of the novel, Cassandra begins to develop her thinking rather than simply being a narrator; especially when she discusses religion with the vicar. I particularly enjoyed Mortmain’s imprisonment towards the end; though I did feel that the final outcome was never going to happen.
View all my reviews
Monday, 2 October 2017
I’ve been a fan of this show ever
since it first aired on TV. It was one of the first box sets that I owned; both
on VHS and DVD! Its exciting perspective
of life in the 31st century is simply amazing; and it also has the
ability to mock current technologies. Its irregularity of its broadcast often
meant that it was hard to discover when the series had ended; and it was only
after bumping into regular repeats that I didn’t recognise on the TV that a new
series had been written. Would the show end with four feature films? No, thanks
to the constant nagging of the fans. Once the writers got past season six, they
knew that they had a good run and didn’t even bother with a series finale. Even
the show’s current ending leaves the show open for another series. And even as
I type this I’ve discovered that there’s a podcast episode published only two
weeks ago!
Sunday, 1 October 2017
On the Fence
I was explaining to my niece the
other day that cardboard boxes comes from trees and she was absolutely
fascinated. I also pointed out that the table came from a tree, the staircase
came from a tree and a newspaper came from a tree as well. What I should have
asked her was where did she think that boxes came from. And of course, wood is
still decaying whatever state it’s in; especially if it’s outside. And where
the knot in the wood sits could have once been a pair of eyes. And what once
might have swayed in the wind must forever remain fixed in the ground. But now
that man has shaped it to the dimensions that he has desired; it’s fixed in
time until the elements themselves decide to relieve their former comrade. And
after that, eventually it is left to rot into the ground from whence it came.
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