Tuesday 11 July 2017

You Put Your Left Leg In...

It takes months of training to put on these sorts of events; and that’s not just to gather all the booze! The acrobats have to be placed on very strict diets just for the show so that they can be at their physical peak; and train for 4-5 hours a day so that their muscles can cope with any unplanned changes in their situation. The choreography, costumes and make-up all take time to organise so that the show can be as authentic as possible, and they need to get used to the music, the lighting and the audience too. The headdress and the jewellery must be tight enough to withstand the movement; yet loose enough so as not to impede the joints and muscles. So that’s a long time of abstaining from their favourite foods and tipples just for everyone’s enjoyment. And then it’s let down by the rigging; although to add scenery would impede the audience’s view.

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