Thursday 6 July 2017

Doctor Who: Season 10

I have mixed feelings about Pearl. She’s not the brightest companion that the Doctor’s ever had but she’s certainly street smart which does create a bit of a mouth on her. A big clue is the huge mouth that she wears. What was strange this season was the Doctor’s ability to blend in with the rest of the world. and despite Nardole making an appearance in every episode; we’re not entirely sure what his background is. Still; everyone is written off nicely; not dead but departed in some way to inconvenience them but not enough for them to come back in future episodes. I am sorry to see Missy go; it would have been so much better if she had been lying and had turned out to be the Rami all along. But there was too much emphasis on knowing the series’ outcome; there wasn’t enough on the how; and the deed itself was so fast that you would miss it if you blinked. The big secret now is who will be the next Doctor?

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